From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian Peacemaker Teams, Chicago IL)

by Scott Morton
Nov. 20, 1999

"It's not high drama, it's painstaking, door-to-door work." That's how CPT
reservist Heather St. James-Perry described the day of door-knocking
undertaken by five CPT reservists, a committed volunteer, and CBC Radio
reporter Theresa Lalonde.

CPT's goal was to enter into dialogue with residents of the Chatham-Kent
area in southwestern Ontario who have "Not For Sale" signs posted on their
property.  The signs went up several months ago in response to the federal
government's agreement to settle the Caldwell First Nation's land claim by
making $23.4 million available to establish a reserve.  The Caldwell
plan to purchase 4500 acres of land in the area over the next 25 years on a
"willing seller, willing buyer" basis.

By going door to door, CPTers were able to explore community members'
motivations for putting up the "Not For Sale" signs.  Team members told
residents how the signs have been perceived as a threatening and unfriendly
gesture by the Caldwell people.

The conversations revealed a broad range of viewpoints.  Emotions ranged
from intense frustration with the federal government to sadness at the
deterioration of communication
and relationships between Native and non-Native residents.  On the positive
side, team members heard small glimmers of hope that relationships can be

"It seemed that our listening and talking was producing some fruit,"
remarked CPT veteran Lena Siegers.  Reservist Gerry Lepp ended the day by
saying, "Our efforts might seem small, but I heard somewhere that if you
dip your fingers in the water, somebody will feel the ripples."  This
feeling was shared by Theresa Johnson, a leader of the Caldwell Nation, who
asserted that many signs have come down since CPT last went door-knocking
in September.  CPT will continue to
be in dialogue with the Caldwell people and reach out to non-Native
community members.

Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative among Mennonite and Church of
the Brethren congregations and Friends Meetings that supports violence
reduction efforts around the world.  CPT P. O. Box 6508 Chicago, IL 60680
tel:312-455-1199 FAX 312-432-1213 To join CPTNET, our e-mail network, fill
out the form found on our WEB page at

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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