link provided by David R....thanks!
Little Bighorn memorial offends some native peoples 
Another travesty in American history toward Native people is about to occur unless we 
do something to change it by speaking out. We need to speak to each other to unify and 
create a Native consensus that will change the proposed memorial at the Little Bighorn 

This memorial was created out of a process that does not serve Native interest. The 
process itself to this point has functioned under the guise of equity and fairness. 
However, the reality we face as Native people is the current proposal for the memorial 
is in no way connected to the teachings, concepts or beliefs that are central to the 
Native way of life.

Honoring ancestors

The purpose for this memorial is to honor and remember the ancestors and the reasons 
they fought and sacrificed their lives at this battlefield, The allied tribes gathered 
at that time to renew their ceremonies and to strengthen their family ties. Protecting 
Native land and way of life is still the center of Native interest

The theme of this memorial is "Peace Through Unity" and this will be accomplished by 
allowing Native peoples to have the same freedom and opportunity to create a memorial 
that honors our own, just as other Americans have honored theirs. What should concern 
us all as Native people is that years from now, people who visit this site will think 
and believe that a "Spirit Gate" and a "Weeping Wound" are a part of our culture or 
are in some way connected to our traditional concepts and teachings. There is nothing 
within the current design that we can identify with or approve as being Native in 

We need to affirm within ourselves the fact that a memorial is what bonds us to our 
people and our history. This history should be told correctly. It should also teach us 
about the continual struggle to maintain our way of life that is at the heart of our 
identity as Native people. The real tragedy of the matter is the current design will 
speak nothing to our children and the generations to come. It will teach them nothing 
of who they are as Native people or where they come from.

The fact that the proposed memorial is to be reconciliatory in nature towards the 
present cavalry memorial is another fallacy.

This belittles the whole cause of why the warriors defended and fought that day to 
protect family, livelihood and homeland, The Indian memorial should be an entity 
within and of itself. It has nothing to do with the cavalry memorial.

We have this opportunity today to create a memorial that reflects a true 
representation of our origins along with the values and identity our ancestors Fought 
to preserve. We also can use this as a way of educating other people about the true 
nature of our being as indigenous people. The purpose of this document is not to 
divide anyone but to unify Native people in empowering ourselves to create our own 
memorial instead of having other people create one for us. By creating a new memorial 
design, we as Native people can define ourselves for others rather than having others 
define us and our ancestors.

The true purpose

In order to serve the true purpose and full relevancy of the Indian memorial, the 
memorial must be created by Native people to include Native concepts and perspectives. 
Through choosing Native artists and including Native funding, we can uphold our 
integrity and identity. This will empower us to teach through our struggle the reality 
of what happened there, and our hope for the future.

We then will truly begin to share a genuine understanding of what this place and time 
means to us and what it will always mean to us.

We need to look each other in the eye as Native people and be honest. The present 
design and concept is not our memorial, a memorial created by Native people for Native 
people. It is time we stand up and unite to protect our identity and independence in 
the same spirit of the ancestors that fought here at this place 123 years ago.

Ron Fire Crow, Northern Cheyenne/Oglala Lakota, and Russell Brooks, Southern 
Cheyenne/Cherokee, are both of Billings.

Updated: Sunday, November 21, 1999 Copyright © The Billings Gazette, a division of Lee 
Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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