In an attempt to push the backlog a bit, here's a quick list of
patches that need review. A lot of  them are tiny issues that we can
probably go ahead and commit, but I don't like to commit without
permission so here goes.

Bigger patches first:
Bug 364843 – Keep "reallylongfilename (copy).txt" from reaching the
maximum path length
Looks sane to me and it looks like SuSE is already shipping it I
believe. Would be good to go ahead and merge this.
Bug 530720 – Don't allow recursive move/copy into itself
This is a pretty critical bug. The patch looks fine to me except for
some trivial formatting. Would be nice to have someone other than me
confirm that it works and is tested before we get this in.

Tiny issues:
Bug 530851 – Crash on image properties
Fix is a one-liner and is sane. Should go in 2.22 and trunk. Commit and close?
Bug 350962 – Filing cabinet icon is not recognizable
Changes the icons to be a bit more recognizable (folders) and uses our
existing approach of NAUTILUS_ICON_FOLDER added by Cosimo. I'm not
sure if it's technically a UI break for 2.22, but it's probably sane
for it and trunk.
Bug 528081 – Warnings in EEL_ASSIGN_MUST_OVERRIDE_SIGNAL with GCC 4.3.0
This one should be applied both in Eel and in Nautilus; GCC 4.3.x
apparently has a bug where -Wno-strict-aliasing doesn't work. Changing
this to -fno-strict-aliasing gets us building again. I've updated the
upstream GCC bugzilla with details on how to get in touch and work on
finding the real issue.
Bug 409038 – FSF address is old
Downright trivial. On top of that, we could get rid of the GTK+ 2.11.0
check just below it and update the Nautilus copyright year to 2008. I
can drum up a patch for this if necessary, but I'd just as soon fix
them all three in one commit.
Bug 514415 – Columns list and its description should be Indented 12 pixels
Just a small change in the Glade file that makes this dialog more HIG
compliant (and it looks better!) Cosimo asked the author to forward
it, but it never got done, so here it is.

I think that's about it for now, though there are probably more that I
missed that can be brought up at a later date. The ultimate goal on
top of this would be to sit down and do some real 2.24 planning, if
anyone can find the time to do so. Thanks for everyone's
considerations (and reading this long email).

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