On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 00:59 +0100, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Matthew Paul Thomas wrote on 01/05/08 22:34:
> >...
> > It would be easy to let this drift into something complicated that 
> > looked like a download manager, which would be ugly and cramped in the 
> > usual case of presenting just one move or copy at a time.
> >...
> With that in mind, I've revised
> <http://live.gnome.org/Nautilus/ProgressWindow> taking into account all
> your feedback.

Just a nitpick: "Pause" doesn't seem like a very bright concept to me.
What do you want to achieve with such a button ?
If you just want to prioritize your downloads, how about a "Wait"
button, which would pause the download until the other ones are
finished ?

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