On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:56 PM, ZTECH Solutions
> Hi Guys,
> These are two features that are missing from Nautilus. The Thunar File
> Manager has them though!
> 1. Ability to open a terminal window within the folder that you are
> currently viewing. This is a great feature and is very helpful. You don't
> have to constantly type "cd folder_name", etc. etc.

This is available in the nautilus open terminal extension. :)

> 2. When right-clicking on a file (i.e. mp3 file) one has the ability to
> choose the program with which one prefers to open the file. The window that
> opens thereafter provides a feature that allows the user determine if the
> the selected program should become the default program for that type of
> file. It is very annoying that Nautilus cannot do this. I always have to go
> back to Thunar is order to accomplish this.

Can't you do this in the properties dialog, "Open With" tab?

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