Am Donnerstag, den 12.06.2008, 15:28 +0200 schrieb Chris Fanning:
> I've got some samba shares mounted in my home directory.
> /home/user/shares/mountpoint(s)
> When I open Nautilus I've noticed that there is network activity
> between my desktop and the samba server(s).
> It happens all the time (not just when I'm opening the mointpoints).
> Just simply opening Nautilus at my home directory creates network
> traffic to all samba servers.
> This makes Nautilus slow down. One of the samba servers is at a remote
> site so traffic on the WAN is even slower.
> The more mounts I add, the slower Nautilus becomes.
> What can I do?

There are two aspects:

A) Nautilus will try to list get the number of items in the mount
point's root directory, even if you are not displaying it. This is a

Currently, the internal priority for this process is equal to the
priority of the I/O tasks for getting basic file metadata. Maybe the I/O
priorities could be optimized for optimal display speed on scenarios
where subfolders are used.

B) You are using FUSE, or kernel mounts. However, for optimal
integration you should use GVFS mounts. Unfortunately, permanent mounts
for remote shares are not yet available in GVFS (Christian Kellner is
working on it, though), so this is not an option yet - unless you add a
startup script that executes a set of gvfs-mount commands.

best regards,
 Christian Neumair

Christian Neumair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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