Some days ago, I sent a message to the list with subject "Help wanted
about extensions", where I was complaining about the lack of
functionality of one of the exposed interfaces of Nautilus extensions.
I haven't received any kind of answer or feedback, but I've continued
searching for other functionalities and I'm a kind of surprised on how
difficult is to interact with Nautilus from a developer point of view.
Extensions seems to me like a partial solution (extend is different to
interact or communicate), cause some common features that (I think)
should be exposed through some API are still missing. Something as
simple as modifying some UI elements permanently (like emblems, for
instance), will require the developer to modify configuration
metafiles, because Nautilus doesn't provide public functions or any
other kind of IPC mechanism to access this feature. The same happens
when trying to refresh the desktop after changing some look&feel
configuration file. It may be more examples, but I've concentrated on
things I've worked out. I think also it would be nice for Nautilus to
implement some kind of Dbus interface so it can receive messages from
other applications. Correct me if I'm wrong and point me to the right
direction if that is the case.



PS - I still hope some good soul help me with the problem explained in
my message "Help wanted about extensions"  :-)
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