On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 00:39 +0200, yelo_3 wrote:
> I noticed that there is no documentation :( I'm trying to code
> something, by now I managed to add a column, but I can't understand
> how to fill it with something :D
> In particular I don't understand what
> GType nautilus_column_provider_get_type(void)
> GList *nautilus_column_provider_get_columns(NautilusColumnProvider *provider)
> have to do.

NautilusColumnProvider is an interface that the extension has to
implement in order to add new columns. This means that in your extension
you create a NautilusColumnProvider subclass, create some new columns
with nautilus_column_new () and export them by implementing the
nautilus_column_provider_get_columns () method in your custom subclass.

> can you point me to an example of nautilus column extension?

By googling a bit I found this [1]. Anyway, you can look at any
extension for an example of how providers usually work, as the above
mechanism is the same for any provider.



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