
I am new to this forum, so I am not sure what the etiquette is for
requesting new features, so I'll just dive in with my idea, and you can feel
free to point me in the right direction :)

I often find myself needing to move a file to a parent folder, and unless I
already have the folders sidebar open, this isn't a straightforward step.
However, most of the time, the parent folder is visible as a location
navigation button - so my idea is to make these buttons drop targets so I
can drag and drop a file there.  Ideally, you could also right click on
these location buttons and the context menu would be the same as if you
right clicked on a folder.

Also, as a side comment - how come the right click context menu for a folder
in the folders side bar is different from the one in the right panel ?  They
both act on a 'folder' so, why can't they both perform the same commands ?


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