Le lundi 30 juin 2008 à 13:04 +0300, Sorin a écrit :
> What I want is to be able to mount that volume just by clicking on
> work.dat and entering the encryption password in the dialog box. 

It works out of the box with LUKS encrypted volumes.

> I also want to make sure when I delete a file or a folder, it will
> delete forever (will be rewritten with random data - sweap) 

You can do that easily with nautilus-actions or a nautilus script.

> I also need to have control over all the log files in my system, but I
> guess that has nothing to do with Nautilus.

And you definitely can’t say you don’t have control over these logs,
given the number of available syslog daemons and their capabilities.

> You need to work around with different programs, and change the
> context menus in Nautilus. It would be nice if this was possible by
> default, because I am sure a lot of people are interested in a secure
> system where they can protect their data.

So-called “safe” removal is not something that will secure your data
except in some very specific cases. Either your volume is correctly
encrypted or physically secure and your data is safe, or it is not and
your data is not safe. Furthermore, overwriting a file with random data
will not make it disappear surely; in many cases it will have moved and
you can find previous versions on disk, and it will still be available
in your swap partition if it is not encrypted.

As for log files, it is your distribution’s job to provide a correct
setup by default. It is generally considered a bug if any sensitive
information leaks to the log files.

Of the 3 things you ask, one is implemented and the others are mostly
useless; in the end nothing should hold you now :)

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