On Di, 03.03.2009 10:15, Alexander Larsson wrote:

[problems of plugins/extensions]

>I don't exactly have a "conclusion" as such.
> I'm just ranting a bit,
>because a lot of people seem to think that "plugins" is the final
>solution to a lot of problems, when its IMHO a problem in itself.

Another feature that might make the development of split-view-based
extensions superfluous is to make Nautilus' scripts system split-view
aware. Similar to the environment variables that get set to selections
of the active slot, we could have environment variables of the
selections of the inactive pane. This would immediately allow things
like directory comparison be done via actions, with zero effect on UI
or older scripts.

I didn't look at the code for that yet, though, so I don't know if it
would be (easily) possible.

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