
The objective is to execute the keyboard_down event in loop, focus should
move one by one on each loop item and notify the assistive technology about
item. For example, if it is on desktop icon view,  focus should move one by
one on each icon (in loop).

I have executed the loop successfully but the focus does not come one by
one it directly comes on last item. Even with some time delay (using
sleep(2) g_usleep(200000)) on each item too, focus does not stay on
intermediate item for time delay.

   - Is it problem in signal passing?
   - Do I have to use thread to remain the focus on intermediate icon?
   - Is it problem of selection switching?
   - Do the event should be generated explicitly? Then how to generate
   key_press event explicitly?

nautilus version: 2.30.0

If have idea, please help to resolve the issue. The concern function
key_press_event() is attached here and the changed code is highlight.

With regards


Attachment: key_press_event(12apr12).doc
Description: MS-Word document

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