
In addition to messages regarding Extra Pane Mode, I also have lots of regrets with disparition of status bar in Nautilus.

For me it was absolutely necessary and useful to know in just 1 second number of elements in a folder and free space available, without having to do "Properties" on context menu.

I just upgraded to Ubuntu Quantal alpha 3, so I have the new Nautilus. I won't comment the graphical aspect as it will evolve, but there are a LOT of functions / features which were perfectly needed and are removed - not hidden, just suppressed : status bar (incomprehensible), tree view (I ised it a lot), extra pane mode, some icons (search, location...).

Woaaah... :( I understand the aim of developers to have clean code, easy-to-use program, but here it is no more a full file manager, it's a pity.

OK, way to use computer is different, with Zeitgeist for example in many cases a file manager is no more essential, but in many others it's useful, and I'm accustomed to it.

So as alternative there is Marlin, but it has not all the functions and nice look Nautilus had until last version. Also Krusader from KDE is excellent, and combines both file manager, files / folder comparison or synchronization (like Meld), or file renaming (like Metamorphose), but I'll regret the former Nautilus, even if I'm only a user who doesn't know what is good for him !

Best regards,

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