On Tue, 2012-09-04 at 16:51 +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Hallo,
> Normally, when something changes on disk, I see this directly or very
> fast in Nautilus (2.30.1) when it's open.
> E.g. when I change something using the commandline.
> But I am working now on a NFS-share, and when somebody else changes
> something, I don't see that in Nautilus. I have to click on the
> "refresh" button first.
> I am interested if there is a better way to do some kind of "auto-refresh".

To get this working you need file change notification. NFS unfortunately
does not support this (except for locally made changes). A long time ago
you could run the fam deamon on the nfs server and the fam library for
change notification would talk to the daemon, but thats not really
maintained or used much these days, so is unlikely to work.

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