On Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:57:59 +0200, Daniel Karch wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am using Gnome 3.6 on openSUSE Linux and would like to know how
> Nautilus creates thumbnails once it encounters a file that does not
> have one yet. Specifically, it is not creating thumbnails for RAW
> images (DNG files and Olympus ORF files), while they are created for
> many other file types (JPEG, PNG, ...). I have looked for solutions
> on the internet, and some say I should create the file
> /usr/share/thumbnailers/raw.thumbnailer, and others propose to create
> an entry with gconftool-2.
> I have done both, to no effect. On the command line, I can create
> thumbnails with ufraw-batch without problem.
> What is the 'official solution' to my problem?

Something my be broken here. I installed the gnome-xcf-thumbnailer
package, yet nautilus isn't showing thumbnails for XCF images.

This is GNOME 3.6

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