
I'm new to this list, this is my first post.
I have been a Linux and gnome user for many years, and quite happy at
that. Yesterday I upgraded my Ubuntu installation to 13.4
Of course I was aware of the recent changes in Nautilus but Ubuntu
12.10 did not bring the new version yet, so until today it was a bit
theoretical to me.
But now I am confronted with the new Nautilus: 'Files', and slightly in shock.

For me compact list view is the only view I have been using for years.
I find icon view chaotic, and list view OK when you have a small
number of files in a directory. Compact list view provides both
structure and overview, and does (did) so exclusively.

I have been reading the posts about this topic that have been made
somewhere about June/July last year. I must admit I find the arguments
against compact list view theoretical and even somewhat pedantic.

My first reaction was to try and simply use a different file manager,
like Marlin. But unfortunately this is not as easy as, say, configure
a new default browser.

although I like the changes to Nautilus in general this particular
change makes me want to stop using it. That is not good. I hope this
change could be reconsidered. The least thing that would sensible is
actually investigate how many people are (were) actually using compact
list view. The mailing list archives do not indicate such research
took place.

I Agree it is a good idea to remove clutter from software from time to
time, and re balance the features with the underlying concepts. But to
me compact list view was not clutter, but my favourite feature
(however conceptually awkward). Please bring it back, one way or

regards (and thanks for all the good work)

Ernst Bunders
nautilus-list mailing list

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