Thank you, thank you, thank you, Michael, I had NO idea as I don't use
totem or ephphany.

I hope I get gnome to listen :-)

Maybe it is more like the Wizard of Oz than this list, but I will give it a

Thank you very much and this list is very nice to strangers, so I can say

I love Nautilus (especially the extensions!)


On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Michael Knepher <>wrote:

> The lack of window buttons on a maximized window is not just a nautilus
> issue. Other Gnome apps such as totem and epiphany are following the
> gnome 3 guidelines of removing the title bar when maximized. This does
> result in a usability issue with trying to quickly close a window using
> a pointer.
> There's a recent bug filed with a proposed solution that doesn't seem to
> have had much attention:
> I think desktop-devel-list or gnome-shell-list would be better places to
> bring this issue up, since it is a gnome specification.
> Michael Knepher
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