
1) https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=705317

I am asking to review again my patch attached to above bug... First, my
patch will (if approved) affect only users who use multi screen (separate x
screens) setups.

What is wrong if there will be two nautilus instances? It is easiest way to
fix multi screen problem. When first instance is created it has info about
that display and screen on which it was launched. When launching next
window on other screen, open signal is sent to primary instance, but
primary instance does not know that I am trying open window on different

If someone knows better fix I would love to hear it.

As I said, this fix will affect only multi screen users as standard users
DISPLAY environment var will contain values like this - :0, :1 and so on.

Multi screen users DISPLAY environment contains values :0.1, :0.2, :1.0,

That means nautilus id will be changed only in multi screen case.

It would be nice if patch is included in version 3.8 and up.

2) https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=664480

Is nautilus 3.4 still maintained? If so there is working patch for above
bug. I have tested it, there is nothing wrong with it. Please see comments
here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/885989.

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