
I've already posted about Nautilus changing for worse (in my opinion),
but as I do care for it, I make a second claim for light in the future
of this former great file manager.
I see other posts in the list with concerns like mine, claiming for the
functionalities to get back to Nautilus and there's a disturbing silence
from the developer team in this matter.
Lots of people seems to go the way of using Nemo as a way to get back to
a usable file manager, but I'd like to see everybody going the other way.
¿Why are the functionalities ripped out of Nautilus? ¿Why the
documentation is so poor? I've find out that things I thought gone are
still there but not referenced in any doc.
I know that distros make their own changes to Nautilus, but there are
things that are missing everywhere.
I don't want to be a PITA, but I do care about Linux future a lot (as
you may also) and as Gnome is one of the most used environment, 
Nautilus is a key part of Linux finding it's way through in everybody's

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