Not trying to be pushy/hostile :), but my argument is that this is an issue and 
not a feature request. But I hear you about pushy/hostile sounding and hope you 
accept this as a humble communication/request :)

The permissions-menu that was removed (the one accessible from the dconf 
editor) provided users the ability to modify execute privileges for user, 
group, and other. The default permissions tab does not allow this (details in 
bug report). The result is that Nautilus devs removed an important permissions 
capability/feature with no substitute means provided. Users no longer have full 
GUI control over execute privileges. The older dconf editor permissions option 
also was a lot simpler to understand and manipulate when modifying permissions 
on files/folders. It made manipulation of permissions efficient and quick.

I humbly ask the dconf-editor permissions option be added back into Nautilus. 
Absent this, I ask that the current permissions tab at least gain the ability 
to modify execute privileges for user, group, and other.

I appreciate the feedback that this won't affect 14.04. But hopefully it will 
impact 14.10. Not having the dconf-editor permissions option makes using 
Nautilus hugely frustrating whenever I have to modify permissions in Nautilus.



Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 07:59:05 -0700
Subject: Re: Can Permissions be fixed for Ubuntu 14.04?

On 1 Nov 2013 07:19, "Greg W" <> wrote:


> Not having a GUI to control execute permissions is really troublesome for 
> users I admin.


> The only solution I have at this point is to use older Nautilus versions.


> Can you guys figure out a solution to this issue so that a fix can be 
> incorporated into Ubuntu 14.04's Nautilus version? I really wish you would 
> bring back the permissions dialogue you removed. It was one of my fav parts 
> of Nautilus.


> Bug report is here:
For what it's worth, Ubuntu 14.04 is sticking with the same (relatively old) 
version of Nautilus as Ubuntu 13.10, so an addition from upstream won't make it 
to your Ubuntu desktop for a year, at least, anyway. If you want to make sure 
it does, you should check if the Nautilus package maintainers in Ubuntu are 
happy to incorporate an extra distro patch.

Also, small suggestion: please avoid wording this as an issue (as in something 
that is not working as intended). What you have here is a feature request. It 
sometimes grates on people when feature requests are phrased that way because 
it can seem kind of pushy and hostile, even when that isn't the intent - and 
that's never the best foot to start off with :)                                 
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