
I hope I am on the right mailing list, if not please apologize.

First, let me thank you for all the time you spend doing great job for
all of us.

There is one feature I really would like in Gnome files : the "Miller
column view", as available in the OSX Finder (for those who do not
know see for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th20D3AAFr4 at 2
min 0 sec). It has been requested many times, but it has not been done
(see for example https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96239).

So, here are my questions :
 - If someone had a patch with this functionnality working, could it be
   accepted by the Gnome project ?
 - Do you have any vague idea of the number of hours it would need to
   implement this ?

As I suppose nobody already done it mainly because a lack of time and
money, my idea would be to make a crowfunding to pay someone - or a
team - or the Gnome project - to code this.

This is just an idea, but what is you opinion about this ?

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