Thanks for the help improvement. Your explanation makes it clear for me,
and I hope for other non native english speakers.
The language you use for the help adding is good for everyone. I suggest
one more change:
Instead of «actually available + unused disk space»
Use simply «unused disk space»

Thanks again.

El 14/11/15 a les 15:08, Colomban Wendling ha escrit:
> Hi,
> Note: Nautilus Wipe has no direct relation with Nautilus, beside it
> being an extension for Nautilus.
> On 13/11/2015 21:31, Narcis Garcia wrote:
>> I'm using nautilus-wipe extension, and today I wanted to look the "Wipe
>> available diskspace" function.
>> In all phrases and in the manual only use the term "available" about
>> space, and I need to be very sure this is referring exclusively to
>> unallocated blocks, it is, space not assigned to any inode nor
>> filesystem working structure.
>> Help should tell more about what means wiping available diskspace.
> I'm about to add this to the help, under *Wiping available disk space on
> storage media*:
>> Only the actually available and unused disk space will be wiped by
>> this operation, and no existing files will be affected. New files
>> created while the operation is running will not be affected either,
>> but files deleted in an insecure manner from the same storage medium
>> during the operation might be wiped.
> Does this look good to you, and does it answer your questions?
> Technically, it will also wipe free (unused/unallocated) INode space,
> but I can't find a not-too-technical way to say this (e.g. without using
> the word "inode"), and I guess for most people it isn't a useful
> information.  Yet, I'm open to a good suggestion.
> BTW, if you're interested to know exactly how everything is done and all
> technically, I suggest you to also give a look at the tool Nautilus Wipe
> uses to actually do its job, secure-delete.
> Regards,
> Colomban
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