On 8/9/07, Jeff Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a simple, concise, and comprehensive[*] list of specific
> incompatibilities between the current versions of ns and aolserver?
> I'm considering moving my aolserver code to naviserver, I want to know
> what pitfalls I can expect.
> Thanks,
> -J
> [*] - irony intentional :)

There shouldn't be anything huge. I don't recall us taking any
genuinely useful or not-a-bug feature and deliberately breaking it.

But there's been some changes...

You will of course have to recompile any C modules you're using.

We have ns_cache_* commands. But there's nothing stopping you from
also loading the old ns_cache module. Vald imported a version of that
into our CVS -- shout out if it doesn't work.

We dropped the optional connid argument from many of the Tcl commands
such as ns_register_proc and ns_return*, but this has been optional
and deprecated in AOLserver since the last century so consider this an
opportunity to update your old code :-)

Mainly, the thing you're going to notice is that quite a lot has moved
around in the config file. There's a sample-config.tcl but it could be
better. One new feature we have here is logging of config values as
they're accessed. Turn on dev level debugging and you can see exactly
what the code is expecting to find as the server starts up.

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