Oh, login as naviserver was the trick,

thank you i will import all remaining modules

Stephen Deasey wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Vlad Seryakov <v...@crystalballinc.com> 
> wrote:
>> Stephen,
>> Can you describe how to import module into hg on bitbucket, it keeps saying 
>> i am not authorized.
> Log in as 'naviserver' at bitbucket.org.
> Got to:
>     http://bitbucket.org/repo/create
> Fill out the info.  Once created, in the admin tab, on the right hand
> side under Permissions -> Administrators  add verseryakov and whoever
> else you'd like.
> Back on your machine...
> You can now clone the repo from bitbucket to your machine if you like,
> and commit straight into it -- the repo url will be set correctly for
> you.
> As a shortcut, you can add something like this to your ~/.hgrc file:
>     [paths]
>     nsfoo = https://vserya...@bitbucket.org/naviserver/nsfoo/
> this allows you to refer to the repo on bitbucket as 'nsfoo' on the
> command line. So, if you've converted one of the remaining repos and
> you want to push it, without first cloning from bitbucket, you just:
>     cd ~/nsfoo-hg
>     hg outgoing nsfoo
>     hg push nsfoo
> The 'outgoing' tells you what it would push without actually pushing.
> If you edit the ~/nsfo-hg/.hg/hgrc to add:
>     [paths]
>     default = http://bitbucket.org/naviserver/nsfoo
> you don't have to tell it where you want to push to. Just:
>     cd ~/nsfoo-hg
>     hg push
> Once it's up there, *then* you can customise the rest of the Admin
> options on bitbucket -- set up the commit emails etc. (look at
> naviserver for an example). Do this second so you don't spam the list
> with 5 years of history :-)
> I've converted some more modules.  Here's what's left to do:
> nsconf
> nsexpat
> #nsstats
> nssys
> nstk
> nszlib
> nsffmpeg
> nsfortune
> nsocaml
> nsotcl
> nssavi
> nsdbext
> nsdbpd
> I know you said some where perhaps obsolete now, but what they hey,
> better not to loose them.
> You could leave nsdbext and nsdbpd for me if you like. I was going to
> try merging in the whole aolserver history, which is a little more
> work.
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