Zoran Vasiljevic wrote:
> On 10.10.2012, at 12:11, Stephen Deasey wrote:
>> I was thinking that the 2 or 3 people in the world that need backward
>> compatibility would load the nsshare module and then:
>>   rename _ns_set ns_set
>> You wouldn't use them both, you just want your old code to work the
>> way it did in 1999.
> I find this to be a good compromise.

I agree, this is a good compromise.  But could that renaming of the core 
tcl command be done as part of the module?  So the instructions would be 
just "load this module in your config" rather than "load this module in 
your config and add this line somewhere in your library code".  The goal 
being to make backwards compatibility settable just in the server config.


> The nsshare module we can deliver
> as-is and declare unsupported and
> deprecated. People that really depend
> on it can then take the responsibility
> of keeping it up-to-date. And since it
> is not in the main server code, we can
> (mostly) forget about it.
> Cheers,
> Zoran

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