On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 10:38 AM, David Osborne <da...@qcode.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> We're currently in the process of porting a fairly large code base from
> Aolserver to Naviserver for testing (using Naviserver v4.99.4 on Debian
> Squeeze).
> One thing that has come up so far is that ns_urldecode seems to have dropped
> the "-charset" switch.
> I'm assuming it used to be present since some of your documentation mentions
> it:
> (eg. http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/n/naviserver/files/ns_urldecode.html
> )
> I can't find any mention of why it was dropped?

It was more than 7 years ago so I can't remember the details, but I
think there were some other bugs to do with character sets that
basically meant forcing everything to be utf-8. Strictly speaking the
-charset switch to ns_urldecode might still be needed, and I think it
got removed by mistake, but it's usually not needed:

> So in Naviserver, is there an alternative to achieve the following:
> nscp 1> ns_urldecode -charset iso8859-1 "%FA"
> รบ

Here for example, if you don't pass -charset then naviserver assumes
utf8. But the code points of iso88591 are a subset of utf8 (and ascii
is a subset of both), so the result is identical. So you should never
have to specify iso88591, because I think you can no longer set the
notion of a global default character set -- it's always utf8, and then
in some places you can specifically choose if really needed.

Where are you getting %FA from? Is it something you're encoding
yourself or are you interacting with another system?

> PS. This is not really a devel question - is there a more appropriate place
> to ask config/user questions?

This is it.

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