Am 13.11.14 13:00, schrieb Ibrahim Tannir:
> Since Gustaf seems to have some time that he is dedicating into
> our cause right now, an idea struck me, that could bring us and
> the code up to the next level:
My recent activity is a consequence of finishing a book, and
during this phase some alternative fingerwork helps me to
recover (e.g. before i go to sleep). Furthermore i like to
finish the work that i've started with Maurizio to improve
the static link checker ratings of naviserver (i have no
access to e.g. PC-Lint, but Maurizio has).  Maurizio is
running his checkers more or less once per day and
feeds the results into

and i try to reduce the issue count. I am very thankful to Maurizio
for his help. We started with 16.000 (or 18.000?) issues in
NaviServer, and now we are well below 3.000. There are still
a couple of things, i want to address...

NaviServer compares already quite well with other projects.
PostgreSQL shows in 0.28 issues per LOC [1],
AOLserver 0.73, and NaviServer is now at 0.19.

             PostgreSQL Aolserver       NaviServer
LOC          487895     18743           14081
Issues       140262     13712           2664
Issues/LOC   0,2875     0,7316          0,1892

Altogether i have an increasing pile of things on my todo-list
such i can't invest currently time into trying to get my hands on
coverty, install it etc. Btw, there is as well a coverty plugin
for sonar server [2].

All the best


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