First I'd like to wish you all a happy new year.
Soon it will be almost one year from the first time I started using and 
learning  NaviServer. 
In the meantime I've started developing a web framework as an exercise (it's 
taking almost an year) to learn everything I can about NaviServer. During this 
time I;ve had the time to dive in many cool things but also faced many   
problems having to rewrite a lot of code.
I've developed a short list of questions I hope someone has an answer or knows 
of an alternative. I had many more but I prefer to RTM and try everything 
before I ask.If anyone has similar experiences in production/development or  
has any "best tuning/usage" advice I'd be more than happy to read it.

I've started using NSSSL , however, is there a possibility to make it work on a 
per virtual host? That it can load the .pem file from a location within the 
virtual host location? 

The framework I'm working with is in TclOO (i was using namespaces but I had 
problems generating the pages, as somethings wouldn't render correctly so had 
to make a new object for each connection) however it seems not to work when 
preloading files so I have to load everything each time a user hits the page. 
I've tried to make it work and even trying to serialize everything but I did 
not seem to succeed. Did anyone make it work? Or is it a wiser choice to switch 
everything to NX 2.0? 

Same as above, is there a way to reload files into the init for all threads 
once the server is started so there will not be a need to restart it?
I''ve noted a problem with keep-alive on most of the machines where I've tested 
it. When accessing any domain form outside the LAN or localhost it seems to 
take a long time to complete the load of images or bigger files. Tests in 
Chrome and Firefox with the network analyzer show that it loads the file in 
under one second but it keeps the connection open for the file untill the max 
keep-alive seconds have elapsed. So If i have a keep-alive of 10-20 seconds the 
page won't load untill it's closed. I tried to put it to 5 seconds but it seems 
way too long. The only good keep-alive time that seems to be adequate is 2 
seconds. By disabling it, will the server be more burdened or doesn't it affect 
Is using the fastpath  for css, img, js files 100-200 kb a good choice or 
should I think of a accelerator/proxy? 

I've tried many tuning options for the server to make it server many .adp 
requests. However they seem to never go above 100 requests/sec (with big 
latency) with simple writing/reading from db. Is this normal? (Quad-Core and 
16-core tests..) Compared to apache with a PHP yii framework, the framework in 
PHP has faster response time 120 r/s.

When using mmap on linux the loading time decreases substantially of any web 
page naviserver serves, sometimes 30 seconds or more...

Also sometimes when using MySQL  with ns_dbi without embeding the database. It 
can happen that it gives an error "could not open handle" and then the server 
crashes once in a while without any information. Or it won't reconnect without 
a server restart. This isn't such a problem since I use postgresql but some 
clients still have data  and require extraction or manipulation from mysql and 
errors like these are weird.

Tests have been done in both 4.99.5 and 4.99.6 and the bitbucket versions.

Thanks for the continuing support you guys provide. We now have a very powerful 
webserver with integrated TCL support that has many wonderful features others 
need a dozen of tools to implement it. I'm amazed at each new release.Good 
 With regards,
Clinciu Andrei George

"Vorba buna, zambetul si fapta binefacatoare sunt raze ale soarelui rasfrante 
in sufletul omului."
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in man's soul."   by Nicolae Iorga

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