Hi all,

I ran into a bug trying to change the loglevel for nsdb:
"ns_db verbose" crashes with an assertion failure.  It looks like this 
was recently changed to change the log level for the entire ns_db module 
rather than just for one handle (a change that IMHO makes sense), but 
this part doesn't work right.

Related, it would be exceedingly useful to set messages at a particular 
loglevel to go to a logfile other than the default server log.  However 
it doesn't appear you can do this.  The feature isn't supported by the 
default logger, and logging filters don't provide a mechanism (e.g., 
ns_break) to indicate that the message has been successfully logged and 
further filters should be skipped.

Log filters also process everything, there's no matching as in request 
filters.  This could be worked around easily enough, but it would make 
things a little more structured.  The usage I'm envisioning would be 
something like:
ns_logctl filter Debug(sql) ns:logtofile /tmp/sqldebug.log

Lastly, would it be reasonable to allow ns_log calls to give a loglevel 
that is not already defined (which would default to being disabled)?  Or 
maybe that would make sense only when the loglevel is of the form
"Level(subsystem)"  (e.g., Debug(sql)) and the "Level" is already known. 
  Then I could sprinkle module-specific ns_log debug statements 
everywhere without needing to pre-declare all the levels I might use.


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