
I came across this while trying to turn fastpath directorylisting off. From
the docs:


Style of directory listings, Can be *fancy* or *simple*. (string, defaults
to simple)

Name of Tcl proc to use to display directory listings. One can either
specify *directoryproc*, or *directoryadp*, but not both. (string, defaults
to _ns_dirlist)

The docs don't explicitly say how to disable them as far as I can see. But
fastpath.tcl seems to default to a value of "none" if no config value is
Should Naviserver support this value explicitly?

I tried:

ns_param directorylisting none

This then gave be a Tcl error:

invalid command name "none"
    while executing
    while executing callback
ns:tclrequest none
(context: request proc)

It seems the value "none" is being used as the directoryproc. When
directoryproc is not set, and directorylisting is not "simple" or "fancy",
dirproc is set to p which will be "none":

    p = Ns_ConfigString(path, "directorylisting", "simple");
    if (p != NULL && (STREQ(p, "simple") || STREQ(p, "fancy"))) {
        p = "_ns_dirlist";
    servPtr->fastpath.dirproc = Ns_ConfigString(path, "directoryproc", p);

To make fastpath return a 404 instead of a dir listing I needed both :

ns_param directorylisting none
ns_param directoryproc _ns_dirlist

Is there another way of doing this?
Strikes me that directoryproc should default to _ns_dirlist no matter what
directorylisting is set to?
Could naviserver drop this check in fastpath.c, and leave the default value
of directorylisting to be set in fastpath.tcl as in the following commit?


David Osborne
Qcode Software Limited
naviserver-devel mailing list

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