ns_ictl cleanup is called from ns_cleanup in naviserver/bin/init.tcl. When I remove the call, the error goes way. These are the relevant calls:

ns_ictl trace deallocate ns_cleanup

proc ns_cleanup {} {
    ns_cleanupchans;  # Close files
    ns_cleanupvars;   # Destroy global variables
    ns_set  cleanup;  # Destroy non-shared sets
    ns_http cleanup;  # Abort any http requests
    #ns_ictl cleanup;  # Run depreciated 1-shot Ns_TclRegisterDefer's.



Am 2016-10-20 um 16:26 schrieb Gustaf Neumann:
Hmm, it looks to me, as if this error is triggered not from the startup, but from the shutdown.

The backtrace shows, that "ns_ictl cleanup" is causing this, which in turn calls the callbacks registered with Ns_TclRegisterDeferred(), which is a deprecated function (since many years). Ns_TclRegisterDeferred() is nowhere called within NaviServer, so it looks to me that you might have c-based module in use, which calls this function.... is this correct?

Aside form the strange situation around "ns_ictl cleanup", the error was probably triggered in earlier versions of NaviServer as well, but in some newer versions of NaviServer, error conditions, which were silently swallowed before, are now reported back to the user.

The message "var is read-only" is actually generated by tDOM. It might be the case, that the function registered via Ns_TclRegisterDeferred() either sources Utilities.tcl (from tclws), or it might re-evaluate the blueprint during shutdown; both is probably not wanted.

Hope this helps

Am 20.10.16 um 10:25 schrieb Wolfgang Winkler:


We are using webservices for tcl (tclws) with naviserver. For naviserver version 4.99.7 we sometimes get the following error message:

Error: can't set "xsltSchemaDom": var is read-only
var is read-only
    (write trace on "xsltSchemaDom")
    invoked from within
"variable xsltSchemaDom domDoc0xa7c640"
    (in namespace eval "::WS::Utils" script line 3)
    invoked from within
"namespace eval ::WS::Utils {
 variable currentNs {}
variable xsltSchemaDom domDoc0xa7c640
variable standardAttributes {
    invoked from within
"ns_ictl cleanup"
    (procedure "ns_cleanup" line 6)
    invoked from within
    while executing callback
ns:tcltrace ns_cleanup
(context: trace proc)

With version 4.99.13 we get his error on every startup. It seems to be connected to thread creation. Has anybody any idea how to prevent this error?




*Wolfgang Winkler*
mobil +43.699.19971172

digital concepts Novak Winkler OG
Software & Design
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*Wolfgang Winkler*
mobil +43.699.19971172

digital concepts Novak Winkler OG
Software & Design
Landstraße 68, 5. Stock, 4020 Linz
www.digital-concepts.com <http://www.digital-concepts.com>
tel +43.732.997117.72
tel +43.699.1997117.2

Firmenbuchnummer: 192003h
Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht Linz

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