On 12.07.20 02:14, Iuri de Araujo Sampaio wrote:

However, when I run the first version of the code, and it returns an error related to: *Error: can't set "formMap": variable is array*
/usr/local/src/ns-4.9.17/tcl8.6.8/library/http/http.tcl:return [string map $formMap $string] /usr/local/src/tcl8.6.9/library/http/http.tcl:variable formMap [array get map]

The error is related to core packages, and I believe it happens to fail because that source is some sort of an old code. Thus, it’s not a good idea to fork it at all.

Dear Iuri,

this error comes form the tcllib (and it seems, you have two versions of tcllib installed). This error is not related with NaviServer, i have no knowledge about the internals of the tcllibs' http package.

As you have noticed, i have added a simple client side interface to the websocket package of NaviServer on bitbucket. In essence, this means to add support for "masked" messages, which are required for client frames
for WebSockets.

I've also added client-side SNI support to ns_connchan to be able to connect to a server with virtual hosting via HTTPS that provides multiple certificates via SNI (Server Name Indication). So the current version of the NaviServer websocket module (just committed) requires as well the current version of NaviServer.

Don't expect this little interface (client-side websocket: ~150 LOC) to be feature complete. It does not handle e.g. WebSocket continuations, etc. ... but the following snippet should work ok.



  set WSURL wss://javascript.info/article/websocket/demo/hello
  set chan [ws::client::open $WSURL]

  # Send "Hello Wörld" to the echo service
  ws::client::send $chan "Hello Wörld"

  # Get the reply and decode it (will return "Hello from server, Wörld!")
  set replyText [ws::client::receive $chan]

  # ... do some more work and finally close the channel
  ws::client::close $chan

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