Hi Thorpe.

NaviServer 4.99.21 is not released yet... but nevertheless, it is supposed to work (and is in use e.g. on openacs.org and on many more sites).

What is your configuration line for the certificate?
It looks like NaviServer is passing the the path


to OpenSSL, but it should pass probably



On 24.07.21 14:43, THORPE MAYES via naviserver-devel wrote:

I have updated to naviserver-4-99.21

I get this error when starting the server:
Notice: OpenSSL OpenSSL 1.1.1k  25 Mar 2021 initialized
Notice: load certificate from <ns/server/mealdeliverysoftware/module/nsssl//usr/local/ns/servers/mealdeliverysoftware/modules/openssl/server.pem>
Warning: private key load error: error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt
Error: nsssl: init error: No such file or directory
Error: modload: /usr/local/ns/bin/nsssl.so: Ns_ModuleInit returned: -1
Fatal: modload: failed to load module '/usr/local/ns/bin/nsssl.so’

I checked the server.pem file:
openssl rsa -inform PEM -in server.pem -check -noout
Enter pass phrase for server.pem:
RSA key ok

I am stuck.

Does anyone have any insight re this issue?

Thank you.


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