
Forgive me if this has been considered before or if it is inappropriate.

I've been looking at sql-relay which has a Tcl library and has drivers for
a group of databases which Naviserver does not support (e.g. Firebird, DB2,
Informix, etc).

I am testing sql-relay as a drop-in replacement for ns_db or nsdbi.
http://sqlrelay.sourceforge.net/index.html  And whilst sql-relay doesn't
necessarily add much benefit for the Naviserver/Postgres combination, in
addition to providing other db drivers, the use of sql-relay can provide a
standard connection pooling/filtering/routing system that would mean
Naviserver could be integrated with far more databases. The addition of
sql-relay may thus increase the scalability of database-backed websites.

I realise it's a new complexity and that in itself is probably unwelcome
but I thought I'd just raise it as something that might be of interest.
Sql-relay has been around for about 20 years.

Regards, Bernard
naviserver-devel mailing list

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