Dear all,

The NaviServer source code repository is now set up to run a CI/CD testing pipeline on every commit on the main and release/4.99 branches. Since the free version of Bitbucket, where the repository is hosted, allows only limited resources (50 minutes per month), the commits are now forwarded to a GitHub mirror repository [1], which is more permissive (2000 minutes per month, but not only for NaviServer). The CI/CD testing pipeline is built around docker images. On every run, we fetch ubuntu-latest, the necessary build-environment, Tcl sources, Tcllib, NSF, tDom, libthread, NaviServer, the PostgreSQL client library, and the nsdbpg module. Once everything is compiled successfully, the NaviServer regression test is performed (currently 1900 tests). This pipeline is just the initial version, more modules should be added in the future. For the main and the release/4.99 branches, currently we test with two different compilers (gcc-10 and gcc-11), two Tcl versions (8.6.12 and 8.7-a5), two versions of NSF/XOTcl (2.3.0 and 2.4.0) and with two different tDom versions (0.9.1 and 0.9.3): - os: ubuntu-latest compiler: gcc-10 tcltag: core-8-6-12 nsf_version: 2.3.0 tdom_version: 0.9.1 - os: ubuntu-latest compiler: gcc-11 tcltag: core-8-7-a5 nsf_version: 2.4.0 tdom_version: 0.9.3
You can see the results of these runs under [2].
Note that the naviserver-mirror repository is just set up for the testing pipeline. All development continues to happen on Bitbucket.
All the best
-gustaf neumann
[1] [2]
naviserver-devel mailing list

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