On Thu, Mar 09, 2023 at 12:27:46PM +0100, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

> My first suspicion is the version of OpenSSL in use. OpenSSL is a moving 
> target.
> If i see correctly, there is a version "1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21" in 
> place for Ubuntu 18.04 will all updates. It this what you are using?

Yes, I am.  Hm, clearly the best overall approach is for me to upgrade
this server, Ubuntu 18.04.4 is very old.

In the meantime, how widely used within NaviServer is aead::encrypt?
Is it necessary for basic serving of https pages, or just an extra API
programmers can optionally use?  Do even the latest versions of
OpenACS depend on it?  (In other words, I'm wondering if these two
aead::encrypt test failures actually matter for me.)

On that old server, I'm currently using an old version of NaviServer
with code from 2020-06-15.  It had zero failed tests, and still seems
to be working fine.

Btw, these are the package versions I see on Ubuntu:

Ubuntu 18.04.4: libssl-dev version 1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21
Ubuntu 20.04.1: libssl-dev version 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.17
Ubuntu 22.04.2: libssl-dev version 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.8

Ubuntu 22.04 stopped shipping OpenSSL 1.1.x entirely, and replaced it
with 3.0.2.  And it looks like the newer OpenSSL 3.x is NOT included
at all in the older 18.04 and 20.04 distributions of Ubuntu.

Andrew Piskorski <a...@piskorski.com>

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