On 15.03.23 19:50, Andrew Piskorski wrote:
On Windows, what's the best (simple?) way to check if my nsd is
actually linked correctly with zlib?

If zlib is not linked correctly, you would get errors during linking.

The easiest thing to test, whether compression via zlib works fine
is to test this via browser (e.g., browse the file

Since the errors you get are from "nstest::http-0.9", i would
not be surprised, if this is related with the last problem you reported,
also using the old-style regression test interface.

The code in "nstest::http-0.9" is quite old, it has not been changed
since ages. Are you sure, these tests were working before? It can
also be that this the one-of-content detection was never correct
but happened to work due to different buffering in tcl/c-library/OS/....

all the best


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