Dear all, I've committed the following change to the GitHub repository of NaviServer, that adds significant improvements for FORM uploads of large files. It makes it now possible to handle files uploads via multipart/form-data (usual format) larger than 4GB without crashing. The support is just for NaviServer, applications (e.g. OpenACS) might still try to read such large files into Tcl_Objs leading to crashes with Tcl 8. Although, loading huge data into memory is not a good practice and leads to memory bloats. However, this should work with Tcl9. The code replaces an implementation that has not changed for the last 17 years.
I am planing to backport this change also to the 4.99 branch.
All the best

Added experimental command "ns_fseekchars" and use it in form.tcl for parsing 

As a consequence,
(a) the file-based parser of multipart/form-data is able to read files >4GB,
(b) leads to less memory bloat and
(c) is more than a factor of 10 faster

       file size        old  ns_fseekchars  factor
          65,517       4,471           151   29.61
         124,523       1,139            94   12.12
      74,006,378     682,375        54,752   12.46
   2,104,408,064  18,916,496     1,564,472   12.09
   3,992,977,408  35,942,768     3,061,061   11.74
   5,368,709,120                 3,817,896      

The problem with the old file-based parser was that it was searching for 
strings using the Tcl "gets" command:

                if { [string match $boundary* [string trim [gets $fp]]] } {

Since "gets" reads a line (i.e., all character until the next new
line) Tcl can crash, when the next new line is more than 4GB
away. Even with e.g. 2GB, it will temporarily create a Tcl_Obj with
2GB content, which is stripped etc. leading therefore to a potential
memory bloat keeping multiple huge Tcl_Objs in memory.

The new code avoids all this by performing the search for the boundary
in C.

TODO: add documentation page
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