While we appreciate the need for Verizon to get a head start on next year's
conference, we certainly hope they can find a way to work with UL and get
the NEBS conference(s) joined back into a single event.  

Having two conferences, especially overlapping conferences as was the case
this year, puts extra strain on equipment manufacturers and others because
they have to send representatives to both conferences to make sure they have
a complete understanding of all the issues.

One of the big topics this year (at both conferences I believe) was that of
divergence.  RBOCs are diverging from NEBS and diverging from each other.
This complicates things greatly for equipment manufacturers.  Having two
NEBS conferences only serves to accelerate this trend.

We urge Verizon, UL, and Telcordia to work together to bring us back to a
unified conference in 2001.

Mike Lyons, Steve Owen, and Al Ramirez
Compaq Computer Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon D. Curtis [mailto:j...@curtis-straus.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 3:05 PM
To: nebs@world.std.com
Subject: NEBS 2001 Announcement

Posted for Chuck Graff.

November 1, 2000

RE: Verizon Communications NEBS Announcement

     In the fall of 2001, Verizon will be sponsoring our 7th annual NEBS

conference. The conference will be titled: "NEBS 2001 - Network
Challenges for
the 21st Century."  We are presently working on the dates and location.
Our new
format was well received this year, and we will continue to strive to
enhancements to the program. Since the Verizon Central Office (CO) tour
was such
a major success, in 2001 we are going to provide conference attendees
with a
virtual tour of a typical Verizon CO.

     In 2001, we are going to invite the Telecom industry to participate
fully in the conference.  A new feature to be added, will be a series of

innovative talks entitled  "The Vendors Corner". Multiple vendors will
invited to present their creative solutions on complex issues in
achieving NEBS

     To facilitate this new session equipment manufacturers and test
labs are
invited to submit a paper (1 per company) to Verizon. The paper should
unique aspects of NEBS compliance that your Company has experienced.
This could
include historical perspectives (interesting planning and testing
stories) as
well as lessons learned and implemented in current planning efforts for
compliance. Only those who are selected will be notified after the
papers are
submitted. The selected presenter(s) will be allotted 20 minutes during
2001 to present their paper. All forms of media which are to be used
during the
presentation should be included as part of the submission.

     Rules for submission of papers:
     Initial Submission Date: January 15, 2001 (late papers will not be
     Initial Submission Format: Word 7.0, Times New Roman, 12 Point.
     No confidential or proprietary information will be accepted.
     Notification Date: The selected presenters will be notified by
Email in
February 2001.
     Presentation Receipt Date: Final Presentation must be received by
                                                 later than June 1, 2001

     Final Submission Format: Power Point Ver 97 and any other media
agreed upon
     by Verizon, at time of first submission.
     All Submissions should be sent Email to: ludwig.c.gr...@verizon.com

We look forward to seeing you at "NEBS 2001 - Network Challenges for the
Century".  The conference will be informative, educational, interactive,
most of all innovative. As more information becomes available, you will

Chuck Graff
Senior Member of Technical Staff
Verizon Communications

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