Check Section 4.6 - Acoustic Noise in GR-63-CORE.


        Subject: NEBS, sound pressure level requrements
        From: "Ron Pickard" <>
        X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on AZPHXN01/Hypercom/US(Release 5.0.5 
|September 22, 2000) at 09/28/2001 09:46:04 AM
        MIME-Version: 1.0
        To all,
        I've been looking through GR-63 and other NEBS standards and have not 
been able to locate any
        audible sound requirements that emanate from equipment. Are there any 
such requirements for NEBS? If
        so, where are they located (in which document(s))? If not, do the RBOCs 
consider this an issue?
        I am looking forward to your responses.
        Best regards,
        Ron Pickard

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