
Send mail to <majord...@world.std.com> with the following
command in the body of your email message:

    subscribe nebs

If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list,
(if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the
list itself) send email to <owner-n...@world.std.com> .
This is the general rule for most mailing lists when you need
to contact a human.

Brian McAuliffe

MCA Compliance Consulting
13 Silver Grove, Ennis, Co.Clare, Ireland

Tel:    +353.65.6823452
Mobile: +353.87.2352554
Email:  i...@mcac.ie

-----Original Message-----
From: nebs-appro...@world.std.com [mailto:nebs-appro...@world.std.com]On
Behalf Of David Spencer
Sent: 18 September 2001 15:25
To: Nebs List Serve (E-mail)
Subject: Nebs List Sign-up?

Hi All,
I apologize for wasting bandwidth this morning, but does anyone remember how
to subscribe/unsubscribe to the NEBS list?  There are a couple of folks that
would like to join the list and since the RCIC page is no longer with us,
I'm not sure where to send them.
Dave Spencer
Oresis Communications

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