On 5/18/99 Dwight Hunnicutt writes:
>Question regarding "two-legged" vs. "three-legged" overvoltage 
>protection circuitry: What are the pro & cons of the two?
>Background: Typically, to protect against overvoltages on a telco 
>interface protection circuit (analog or digital, such as POTS, T1, HDSL, 
>etc.), one sees either:
>1) an MOV/varistor type device across TIP/RING, or
>2) two MOV/varistor/gas-tube type devices tied in series across 
>TIP/RING, with the center connection tied to earth ground.
>Of course, there are also typically PTC's or fuses in line for 
>overcurrent protection.  However, my interest is the pros/cons of the 
>overvoltage protection topology.
>If the interface circuit has no path to earth (typically through 
>overvoltage protectors), then UL1950/UL1459 allows waiving of the 
>longitudinal(common) mode overvoltage tests, which makes sense, because 
>there is no return path for the fault energy.
>Since this waiver eliminates about half of the overvoltage testing, why 
>does one see the "three-legged" topology being used?  Are there some 
>advantages to shunting energy to earth, rather than just back out the 
>TIP/RING pair?  Certainly, one has to provide overcurrent protection to 
>prevent building telco wiring from burning (tested via the MDQ 1-6/10A 
>fuse), but are there other reasons for preferring a three-legged 
>approach? What are you missing out on if you elect to use the simpler 
>topology of just an MOV across TIP/RING?
>(To further stir things up, how about if we take into consideration 
>Bellcore GR-1089-CORE? Does that change things?  I don't believe 
>GR-1089 specifically contains the same waiver as UL1950/UL1459, but 
>certainly the results are the same, and a test lab should consider 
>waiving for the same rationale.)
>I'm sure many of you have seen both topologies described in application 
>notes for various interface components, and have had to deal with both. 
>Any light shed will be appreciated by all.
     There are steady-state overvoltage conditions (power cross/induction) 
     and impulse conditions (lightning/ESD).  Protection for one does not 
     necessarily do both.
     If the T/R pair is truly floating, then yes, longitudinal protection
     is questionable.  Many circuits, especially those in a telephone 
     central office, do not float.  There are ground start (not as many 
     now) and battery feed circuits.  The feed could could be either across 
     T/R or simplexed across the T/R and T1/R1 pairs.  These cicuits, 
     despite secondary protection on the equipment side of the transformer, 
     still need clamping to 230 Vac, 300 Vac, or whatever.  Some circuits 
     don't even have transformers; they come right off the SLIC. Makes OV
     protection and longitudinal balance design real interesting.
     So, "How well does the circuit float?" (for impulse AND steady-state) 
     is the big question....
     Eric Petitpierre
     Pulse Communications
     Herndon, VA

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