I replied to your comment in the manual:


2014/1/3 Smit Sanghavi <smit.sangh...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am using BatchInserterIndex to ingest a large amount of data to Neo4j
> DB. I intend to add nodes to a TimelineIndex (Lucene) during the batch.
> Now, in the normal way, TimelineIndex takes (node, long) to add in the
> index. It probably is using the key 'timestamp' internally. (Checked in
> LuceneTimeline.java in github)
> My problem is that I'm able to insert nodes into the TL index but not able
> to retrieve them using the regular java API. It always returns
> timelineIndex.getFirst() as null.
> I have initialized the indices as below.
> *Regular Way Of Access*
> TimelineIndex<Node> timelineIndex = new LuceneTimeline<Node>(graphDB,
> indexMgr.forNodes("airing-timeline")); //graphDb initialised properly
> earlier.
> timelineIndex.add(node, 1234560000L);
> *Batch Ingestion*
> BatchInserterIndex timelineIndex =
> indexProvider.nodeIndex("airing-timeline", MapUtil.stringMap("type",
> "exact")); //Initialised just like regular way
> Map<String, Object> timelineIndexPropertiesMap = new HashMap<String,
> Object>();
> timelineIndexPropertiesMap.put("timestamp", 1234560000L); //Checked the
> code of LuceneTimeline.java and found this internal property for timeline
> timelineIndex.query("*:*").size(); // return 0 (zero)
> timelineIndex.add(airing_node_id, timelineIndexPropertiesMap);
> timelineIndex.query("*:*").size(); // return 1 (one)
> <database flushed and closed after this>
> Now, when I'm trying to use, timelineIndex.getFirst() to retrieve data
> added by Batch Inserter, it always returns me null.
> But, nodes added in the regular way on the SAME DB return me proper values.
> Where am I going wrong?
> --
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Mattias Persson, [matt...@neotechnology.com]
Hacker, Neo Technology

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