I posted this on StackOverflow but thought I would put here as well in case 
anybody has any ideas.  Creating 2 nodes and one relationship in an empty 
database is taking 150ms to 170ms.  This is making it really hard to run 
unit tests efficiently so I'm looking for any suggestions to speed things 
up.  Is there a "don't write to disk because I'm just testing" mode for 

I have Neo4j server running inside a virtual machine using Ubuntu 13.10 and 
I am accessing via  REST using Cypher queries. The virtual machine has 4 GB 
of memory allocated to it. I've changed the open file count to 40000, set 
the initial JVM heap to 1G and my `neo4j.properties` file is as follows:

    keep_logical_logs=3 days

I've also updated sysctl based on the Neo4j Linux tuning guide:

    vm.dirty_background_ratio = 50
    vm.dirty_ratio = 80

Since I am testing queries, the basic routine is to run my suite of tests 
and then delete all of the nodes and run them all again. At the start of 
each test run, the database has 0 nodes in it. My suite of tests of about 
100 queries is taking 22 seconds to run. Basic parameterized creates such 

    CREATE (x:user { email: {param0},
      name: {param1},
      displayname: {param2},
      id: {param3},
      href: {param4},
      object: {param5} })
    CREATE x-[:LOGIN]->(:login { password: {param6},
      salt: {param7} } )

are currently taking over 170ms to execute (and that's the average, first 
query time before execution plan is cached is 700ms). During a test run, 
the CPU in the VM never exceeds 50% and memory usage is at a steady 1.4Gb. 

Why would creating a single node in an empty database take 170ms?  At this 
point unit testing is becoming almost impossible since it is so slow. This 
is my first time trying to tune Neo4j so I'm not really sure how to figure 
out where the problem is or what changes should be made.

**Additional Details**

I'm using Go 1.2 to make REST calls to the `cypher` endpoint 
(`http://localhost:7474/db/data/cypher`) of a locally installed Neo4j 
instance. I'm setting the request headers for content-type to 
"application/json", accept to "application/json" and "X-Stream" to true. I 
always return either an array of maps or nothing depending on the query.

It seems like the creates are the problem and are taking forever. For 

    2014/01/15 11:35:51 NewUser took 123.314938ms
    2014/01/15 11:35:51 NewUser took 156.101784ms
    2014/01/15 11:35:52 NewUser took 167.439442ms
    2014/01/15 11:35:52 ValidatePassword took 4.287416ms

NewUser creates two new nodes and one relationship and is taking 167ms, 
while ValidatePassword is a read-only operation and it completes in 4ms. 
Also note that the three calls to NewUser are identical parameterized 
queries. While the creates are the big problem, I'm also a little concerned 
that Neo4j is taking 4ms to just find a labeled node when there are only 
100 nodes in the database.

I do not restart the server in between test runs or delete the database. I 
issue a single delete all nodes query `MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() 
DELETE n,r` at the end of the test run. Running the same test suite 
multiple times back to back does not improve the query times.

Anybody have any thoughts on how to improve the performance I'm seeing?

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