Hi Guys,

I am aware that Neo4J doesn't have a concept of a bidirectional 
relationship and I believe that's causing me a problem when using MERGE.  
Here is my Cypher:

MATCH (fromCard:Card),(toCard:Card)
MERGE (fromCard:Card)-[r:DECK_INCIDENCE]->(toCard:Card)
SET r.deckCount = coalesce(r.deckCount, 0) +1

So say I have a collection of 4 cards: "Hearts","Diamonds","Clubs","Spades"

The first time I create the relationship between Hearts and Diamonds, i.e. 
Hearts -> Diamonds.  However, the next time the cards are in a different 
order and when I attempt to MERGE Diamonds -> Hearts a new relationship is 
created because no relationship exists in that direction.  This is not what 
I want, I need to increment the deckCount property on the relationship 
regardless of the direction and don't want to have to manage two 
relationships per card.

I cannot guarantee the order of cards and in essence I need to model a 
Bidirectional Relationship.  How can I achieve what I need using MERGE?


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