
My graph is quite simple and the relevant parts look like this:

u:User ---[BELONGS_TO]-----------> (*..1) h:Country, properties: code
    |-----[RECEIVED]-------------> (1..*) nx:Notification, properties: 

All nx:Notification nodes have a property 'ordinal' which is a global 
counter for all notification nodes in the graph, from 0 to infinity.

I'm running a query to retrieve all users with their countries and to 
collect() their nx.text properties. However, I need that the elements in 
these collections be ordered with respect to the 'ordinal' field. So 
basically I need to ensure that the RECEIVED relationships returned by the 
query are ordered in terms of nx.ordinal.

My query looks like this so far:

MATCH (h:Country)<-[r:BELONGS_TO]-(u:User)-[:RECEIVED]->(nx:Notification)
RETURN u.id AS userid, h.code AS homecountry, collect(nx.text) AS 

How would I go about ensuring that the elements collections within the 
notifications column are ordered in terms of nx.ordinal?

I'm using neo4j 2.0.1


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