
I am the author of mentioned stackoverflow question (and BTW new to this 

I understand the need for labels to be fetched but how it is handled now is 
just a show stopper for me.
We are talking about tens of additional REST requests which increase method 
run time significantly.

some questions
- can labels be fetched with node data? I don't know why it is not so 
already since labels are such crucial information for nodes. Is it 
something we can expect to be implemented in future releases?
- can this data be at least fetched in bulk for all nodes in returned list?
side question
- if this implementation is here to stay can I go back to previous 
functionality where class name was stored in the node property without 
going back to some previous releases?


On Thursday, March 6, 2014 4:36:15 PM UTC+1, Michael Hunger wrote:
> Yep,
> my question was how would you imagine it to be configured.
> Michael
> Am 06.03.2014 um 16:35 schrieb Gwendal Mousset <gwendal...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks Michael, 
> I understand the need to check the label directly on db. I hadn't think 
> about inheritance.
> Do you think this check could became optional (with configuration) to 
> choose between fully operational inheritance and better performances ?
> Gwendal
> On Thursday, March 6, 2014 4:13:51 PM UTC+1, Michael Hunger wrote:
>> Imagine you have a class hierarchy like Person and Developer
>> And you have a person repo but the nodes in the db are actually 
>> developers.
>> Then you would want to get the correct instances back (Developer) but 
>> requested target type is Person
>> How would you imagine to configure it so that it doesn't look what the 
>> node is in the graph but just takes the requested type?
>> Michael
>> Am 06.03.2014 um 15:54 schrieb Gwendal Mousset <gwendal...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi everyone, 
>> I use neo4j 2.0.1 with rest api. 
>> To obtain better performances in my webapp, I refactor my code by using 
>> @QueryResult objects and do more "big" requests instead of many small 
>> requests.
>> But the logs show me than each time I get an object from the query 
>> result, a request is sent:
>> 2014-03-06 15:15:43,208 - DEBUG: SpringRestCypherQueryEngine - Executing 
>> remote cypher query: match (n) where id(n)={nodeId} return labels(n) as 
>> labels params {nodeId=509}
>> This request only get the labels of a node, and it seems there is no 
>> cache, the request can be sent several time for a same node.
>> On a collection, dozens of requests are sent...
>> I seek in SDN code what are the reason, and i found 
>> Neo4jEntityConverterImpl :
>> public <R extends T> R read(Class<R> requestedType, S source, 
>> MappingPolicy mappingPolicy, final Neo4jTemplate template) {
>>         // 1) source -> type alias
>>         // 2) type alias -> type
>>         // 3) check for subtype matching / enforcement
>>         final TypeInformation<R> requestedTypeInformation = 
>> requestedType == null ? null : ClassTypeInformation.from(requestedType);
>>         final TypeInformation<? extends R> targetType = 
>> typeMapper.readType(source, 
>> requestedTypeInformation); <-- causes get labels request
>> ...... //
>> }
>> If I correctly understand, this code determines which classes must be 
>> instantiate. But what i don't understand is that requestedTypeInformation 
>> and targetType have the same value.
>> So would it be possible to bypass the db check and only take 
>> the requestedTypeInformation value ?
>> I found a quite similar question on stakoverflow: 
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22209220/unnecessary-additional-label-requests-for-nodes
>> Thanks
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