Any chance to share your db with us privately if you want to?

Will try to find some time to look into it.



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Am 07.03.2014 um 19:33 schrieb Ziv Unger <>:

> 1. According to Michael Hunger at neo4j, yes. I've also seen evidence of this 
> when optimising my own queries on his advice.
> 2. You are correct here, sorry. Will teach me to reply before coffee in the 
> morning.
> 3. Not sure, someone with better knowledge of the inner workings of the db 
> would have to weigh in. You could use a profiling tool like 
>, but if your queries don't 
> return at all, it won't help. I did find that when requesting huge numbers of 
> results, queries slow down dramatically. If you add a limit 100, does it 
> still not return?
> I had a situation where even with a completely tuned query, returning 
> thousands of results still took ages. If the limit helps, perhaps paging is 
> your answer.
> Otherwise, hopefully one of the neo4j guys will weigh in soon.
> On Friday, 7 March 2014, Zeeshan Arif <> wrote:
> Thanks a lot for providing some inputs. However, for me, with the initial 
> posting of records i.e. 3814 relations for primary and some of the secondary 
> have 40K+ relationships, it is still not performing well - infact doesn't 
> return.
> Few questions:
> 1. Are you sure that with one kind of relationship between nodes, skipping 
> the label helps? Intuitively, qualifying everything should always help.. 
> isn't it?
> 2. C-->E will look for any length path? I thought it will look only for 
> direct neighbors by default and only if I mention *1..x, it will go x deep.
> 3. Any idea if UNION is expected to work better than OPTIONAL MATCH clause 
> and combining results together?
> Regards,
> - Zeeshan
> On Thursday, March 6, 2014 11:15:42 PM UTC-6, Ziv Unger wrote:
> As an added note, if you DID want any length of path between (a) and (c), you 
> can just use [r3:knows*1..x] where x is the upper limit of the path length. 
> If you have a lot of nodes, I would personally limit the upper range for 
> performance.
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