I have a graph db with about 10000 docs  (:jurt)  and about 12000 terms 
(t:Term) from a vocabulary. There are about 1.2M relationships of type 

To find out which documents are similar to a given document, based on a 
count of common terms, I use this query

match (j1:jurt)-[:HAS_TERM]->(t:Term)<-[:HAS_TERM]-(j2:jurt)
where NOT (id(j1)=id(j2)) AND j1.jurt_id = 'J75312'
with j1,j2,count(t) as commonterms
return j1.jurt_id,j2.jurt_id,commonterms
order by commonterms desc
limit 3

What I notice is that the first time the query is run, the results are 
different from the next times... from the second time onwards, the results 
are the same. In between, there are no other processes running..  
Whether I run the queries from the browser, the shell or the REST API, they 
all show the same phenomenon.

neo4j-sh (?)$ match (j1:jurt)-[:HAS_TERM]->(t:Term)<-[:HAS_TERM]-(j2:jurt) 
where NOT (id(j1)=id(j2)) AND j1.jurt_id = 'J72887' with j1,j2,count(t) as 
commonterms return j1.jurt_id,j2.jurt_id,commonterms order by commonterms 
desc limit 3;      


| j1.jurt_id | j2.jurt_id | commonterms |


| "J72887"   | "J70059"   | 226         |

| "J72887"   | "J75312"   | 220         |

| "J72887"   | "J77444"   | 215         |


3 rows

6288 ms

neo4j-sh (?)$ match (j1:jurt)-[:HAS_TERM]->(t:Term)<-[:HAS_TERM]-(j2:jurt) 
where NOT (id(j1)=id(j2)) AND j1.jurt_id = 'J72887' with j1,j2,count(t) as 
commonterms return j1.jurt_id,j2.jurt_id,commonterms order by commonterms 
desc limit 3;


| j1.jurt_id | j2.jurt_id | commonterms |


| "J72887"   | "J70059"   | 227         |

| "J72887"   | "J75312"   | 220         |

| "J72887"   | "J77444"   | 219         |


3 rows

6299 ms

neo4j-sh (?)$ match (j1:jurt)-[:HAS_TERM]->(t:Term)<-[:HAS_TERM]-(j2:jurt) 
where NOT (id(j1)=id(j2)) AND j1.jurt_id = 'J72887' with j1,j2,count(t) as 
commonterms return j1.jurt_id,j2.jurt_id,commonterms order by commonterms 
desc limit 3;


| j1.jurt_id | j2.jurt_id | commonterms |


| "J72887"   | "J70059"   | 227         |

| "J72887"   | "J75312"   | 220         |

| "J72887"   | "J77444"   | 219         |


3 rows

6354 ms

neo4j-sh (?)$ match (j1:jurt)-[:HAS_TERM]->(t:Term)<-[:HAS_TERM]-(j2:jurt) 
where NOT (id(j1)=id(j2)) AND j1.jurt_id = 'J72887' with j1,j2,count(t) as 
commonterms return j1.jurt_id,j2.jurt_id,commonterms order by commonterms 
desc limit 3;


| j1.jurt_id | j2.jurt_id | commonterms |


| "J72887"   | "J70059"   | 227         |

| "J72887"   | "J75312"   | 220         |

| "J72887"   | "J77444"   | 219         |


3 rows

6108 ms

What may cause this  ? 

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