I used the Dijkstra algorithm to compute the path between two nodes in the 
graph, in this way :

CostEvaluator<Double> costEvaluator = null;
  //In questo caso bisogna eseguire il calcolo del percorso più breve 
(minore distanza percorsa)
  costEvaluator = CommonEvaluators.doubleCostEvaluator( costProperty );
}else if(costProperty.equalsIgnoreCase(IConstants.EDGE_SPEED_PROPERTY)){
  //In questo caso bisogna eseguire il calcolo del percorso più rapido 
(minore rapporto distanza/velocità)
  costEvaluator = new CostEvaluator<Double>() {
  public Double getCost(Relationship relationship, Direction direction) {
       Double edgeLength = (Double) 
       Long edgeSpeed = (Long) 
       Double cost = edgeLength / edgeSpeed; 
       return cost.doubleValue();


PathFinder<WeightedPath> dijkstraPath = 
Direction.OUTGOING), costEvaluator);
WeightedPath path = dijkstraPath.findSinglePath(startNode, endNode);

So, I can calculate the shortest route or the quickest route by costProperty's 

Now, I need to make the same considerations, whit shortestPath algoritm, 
because I would to retrieve the first N = 3 paths found.

I tried using : 
PathFinder<Path> simplePaths = 
Direction.OUTGOING), 1000000, 3);
Iterable<Path> paths = simplePaths.findAllPaths(startNode, endNode);

but this not manage my "costProperty".

Is there a way to retrieve the first N = 3 paths found, whit an algoritm 
that manage  "costProperty", like Dijkstra?


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